So here's the final post in this little series for now, showcasing the scale comparison:
(left to right in the above image)
- Victrix plastic torso, converted using MOTN metal head and arm parts
- MOTN hoplite miniature
- MOTN Faun archer miniature
- Victrix Greek archer, converted to use a MOTN head.
I now need to clean up and prepare the masters for production molds... a painstaking task.
Final shots below, these were test sculpts with my dollies. Some of the arms are wonky but I painted them up anyway. Here I'm experimenting to see if I can do hoplites with the left arm and shield all single piece with the body (so only the head and right arm would be multi-part). I'll likely take this approach with my god specific warriors and regiments.
And lastly, my humble little conversion parts gracing the Victrix plastics.
Stay tuned for more Greek mythology developments.