
Tuesday 11 February 2014

This blog still lives!

If you're still with we after a near two month “hiatus” then thank you.

First things first:

The Website – still very much a failure to launch scenario, but I'm not too concerned about that for now. I think in all honesty I'll downgrade myself from a “boutique webstore” to a garage supplier.

Purchasing – if you want either the Desert Insurgent or Techno Communion set's drop me an email, sales at I've gone through a fair few runs of the mold so far, thanks to all who picked some up, I may yet break even... one day. (I have about 5 Techno Communion sets left and around 20 Desert Insurgent sets). Payment though paypal.

Sculpts – Pictures or it didn't happen right? Oh well, pics below.

Projects – Narrowing and solidifying. I'll chuck “refining” in there as well. By that I mean clear direction, solid designs, crystal clear 'universe' and... rules. I'll be creating separate pages on the blog to house all this.

Right so here's the important bit:

Space Opera: Rebellion Protocol. More sci-fi armour and less bayonet gothic. All very much WIP.

Bronze Age: Fantasy Hoplites (tests)

Cyclopes and Dwarf Stone Golem

Also tests in 10mm and 15mm

Tests for something new... 19th century clockpunk. Frankenstein like Black Praetorians will probably get done first, all your favourite horror elements (bats, black dogs, evil scarecrows, witches and all that good fun stuff.


  1. Yes yes yes, you're back! I'm really digging the Clockpunk stuff. Rebellion Protocol sounds interesting, can't help but think of stuff like Moebius when seeing it.

    The Clockpunk stuff is really scary, I'm very curious to see where you're going to take this. Is this also the next step in the evolution of the Redemption Sector, or will you be ditching that material?

    1. Check out the TFM forum for the Clockpunk, posted over there as a potential member kickstart trial.

      Redemption Sector is really the setting for Rebellion Protocol, it just sounds better! It's changed a ton though, the last few months have seen me finally (I mean it this time) lock down all the ideas. Words and rules are done, the page layout and graphic design is whats slowing me up

    2. Really liking the clockpunk stuff too.
      Kickstarter would be quite tempting :)

    3. Just to clarify, I have no interest in doing a kickstarter. Over at the Troll Forged forum however there is talk of potentially doing small scale kickstarts to fund members sculpts. I might put these sculpts forward as a pilot for the scheme.

  2. Welcome back and wonderful stuff. Especially curious about the 10mm stuff, how did you find sculpting stuff at that scale? I think the Praetorian stuff is my fave of that batch.

    1. The smaller you go the more you have to practice abstraction! Cleaner shapes and silhouettes become crucial. I've still not nailed it yet, but it all comes down to design and abstraction: at 6mm a head can be a simple sphere with zero features (well maybe a hat or a little hair). More practice required for me I think.

  3. Nice to see your doing some 15s, do you plan on doing your Rebellion Protocol in that scale?

    1. Seriously contemplating it! My main experience is in 28-30mm though so I'll need to do a lot more test sculpts. 6 mm for sure, but that's to realise vehicles and mech's.

  4. just wanted to say that i love your sculpts - i've just converted several Fallen Dwarves to Chaos Squats and they look amazing.

    Is there any more info on further models for that range? the sorcerer-looking character models, for example, would make excellent psykers and/or techpriests for my army.

    and the idea of a palanquin on that giant rhino beasty is just awesome! please tell me that model is coming!

    keep up the good work

    1. Thanks Nicky. The Fallen Dwarves are a long term project that I'll keep plugging away at, I have lots of plans but until they are further forward and actually realised I try not to talk about it too much (all talk and no action). Anvil Industry will get first refusal on all future sculpts.

    2. Cool. Please keep plugging away!
      I'll buy anything else you make for them!
      If you're interested in seeing what I've done to them, I've started a gallery here:

    3. Cool nice work! I accidentally removed this post I think. I'll add you to the Fallen Dwarf list, once I have casts I'll let you know.

      I'm doing some evil future dwarves with the dollies too, the concept right now is they have a techno-organic virus infecting them (kind of like Phalanx form the x-men)

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