
Saturday 30 November 2013

Techno Communion Corp, for all your beta-human needs.

I picked my least favourite of the Petarikon to use as a test but here it is. Lessons learned for doing a full unit of them at least.

And while I had the light tent set up, group shot of my current Sci-Fi factions:


  1. Seriously evil looking bunch. That being really great :-) Though I just figured how to make my hypaspists, I still consider these instead. Can't remember if we have seen any scale shots of these - next to other manufactures' I mean?

  2. The second or third post at the start of this blog has a comparison shot. I don't actually own any other manufacturers miniatures believe it or not.

  3. Hmm, looking good so far. The red and brown add a lot of character to the model. I'm not that sold on the skin color yet. Maybe try to go for something more pale, closer to white. On the other hand, this darker color, does look more like decomposed flesh (remember seeing a pic of that on back in the 90s!)

  4. With them being clones grown in a vat I'm imagining them perhaps having super oxygenated blood or something, hence the blue tinge to them. It's less about dead flesh and more about insinuating something not right about them, nano probes in the veins. There will probably be variations on the skin – I want some to be pale and sickly looking, perhaps for the smaller/younger drones.

    1. Why am I thinking of the Borg now, originally they simply had pale white skin, almost light blue/grey. But the later interpretations seemed to have gone darker, still very pale, but with a kinda grey/brown/green vibe. Guess it's all those nanobots in the bloodstream.

      The sickness theme is interesting. Perhaps the younger drones' bodies would still need to adjust to the upgrades, hence them being weaker. Once the body adapts and has accepted all the implants (can imagine that in the beginning the drones need to take certain medications to prevent the body from rejecting the implants), the drones will of course be stronger, less sickly/frail looking.

  5. Looking real good I must say. They will go well together with the Tox troopers I've already bought.

    Do you have any estimate as to when the website will be up and running?

    @Manus. They are not shorter than 'Heroic' scaled miniatures such as GW guardsmen, but thinner. They do fit well together with most 28mm historical miniatures such as Perry miniatures.

  6. Are these Borderers still avaiable anywhere?

  7. I have some pre-release sets for sale if anyone wants to email me "sales at"

    Borderers are available through Anvil industry.

    1. Your site seems to be down or incomplete at the moment- does anyone else have this problem?

    2. Website isn't active yet ( so incomplete). Prerelease sales being done by email & PayPal only.
