These are all multi-part and interchangeable, printed at 28-30mm historical size - the same as the rest of the Atheros mythology range I have (which also match the size of Victrix plastics.)
Friday, 20 October 2023
Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Faun Slingers - 3D prints
I painted these up as underworld shades. They're printed smaller and I like them, and were a good exercise in understanding the style of a sculpt vs the intended print size.
I've always ignored people talking about "scale" when it comes to miniatures, it's more about size and style for me.
LOTR critters - Rangers of Shadow Deep (worms and wasps)
These are all 3D prints, which I'll make available once I decide on a retail platform.
Rangers of Shadow deep bestiary lists these, but I'm harking back to Tolkien and calling these Wereworms and Hummerhorns. In other parlance Mongolian Deathworm was always a real world cryptid I found amusing.
The haradrim spearmen might make a good handler for the worms...
Cydonian Helots - 3d prints
I printed these quite small (28mm) but they're only tests. I'd like another pass at the sculpts to add in more details and distinguishing features between them.
The concept is slave infantry in the minotaurs army.
Cyclops 2 - 3d Print
The second of my cyclops sculpts, better than the first, few tweaks to make to the pose then it's onto some detail and characterisation. This print is 50mm tall.
I'll be looking to retail these in the new year all going to plan. Platform still tbc.
Monday, 16 October 2023
Frostgrave with Stormcast and Reaper, and Steamforge Games
To mix things up after a long painting hiatus I bashed together some basic minis and then went with quick paintjobs.
The Stormcast line made a good little wizarding warband, no frills. I think I converted a few, specifically the crossbow was scratch built and the hands sculpted on.
The orcs are from Steamforge Games Epic Encounters range, I really wanted to love them but the mould lines are horrible to remove. That said they are solid sculpts and I tried out the army painter speedpaints on them, over a monochrome basecoat (black spray, grey drybrush, white drybrush).
Reaper Bones Temple Dragon
The material (Bones) isn't great, and doesn't take paint very well... but it's cheap.
I'll use this for LOTR and Rangers of Shadowdeep.
Tuesday, 9 May 2023
Reaper Bones paint jobs
A few more quick and easy paint jobs to warm up, reaper bones monster for use with Rangers of Shadow Deep or even LOTR.