
Monday, 16 October 2023

Frostgrave with Stormcast and Reaper, and Steamforge Games

To mix things up after a long painting hiatus I bashed together some basic minis and then went with quick paintjobs.

The Stormcast line made a good little wizarding warband, no frills. I think I converted a few, specifically the crossbow was scratch built and the hands sculpted on.

The orcs are from Steamforge Games Epic Encounters range, I really wanted to love them but the mould lines are horrible to remove. That said they are solid sculpts and I tried out the army painter speedpaints on them, over a monochrome basecoat (black spray, grey drybrush, white drybrush).

The wolf and the troll are Reaper Bones, painted the same way as the orcs - monochrome basecoat with army painter speedpaints over the top.

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