
Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Cultist sculpts (the silly hat brigade)

Here's some WIP shots for the continuing expansion of the Tox Troopers range. 

I had intended to park this line to focus on my mythology ranges, but one last mould for Q1 should round off the line.

The minis are single part, minus the heads, so I'll have more space in the mould to fill that's usually taken up by a rifle sprue (this might equate to 1 or 2 extra minis).

I wanted to avoid the usual tropes of hooded heads, gas masks, executioners masks etc. and went with a slightly amusing conical skull cap. That said, I'm already prepping alternative heads with the usual tropes.

This should prove to be a versatile squad - heroic scale versions of my Desert Insurgents spring to mind.

More to follow, I'm doing a mutant/scavvy squad next along with a few more characters.

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