
Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Tox Trooper support - WIP sculpts

I'm glad I'm finally getting to expand this range, big plans ahead!

These all just need a few minor touch ups, straighten the odd line, thin the odd chubby finger etc.


  1. Why have you sculpted me floating around with that mask on !!!!

  2. Great looking figures!

    Any chance of a comms operator, or sniper, or kneeling figures?

    1. Thanks. Yes all of those, plus a standard bearer, scouts, sitting heavy weapon. I only stopped at this point because I exhausted mould space. I'm about to do some painting on the next mythology released then i'll go back to sculpting this range. There's at least one larger piece being planned that will need to be done in resin.

    2. Ooh, scouts, did not think of that one.

      And larger things in resin sounds promising!

  3. Man those are cool new Tox troopers! I've been trying to order more for years from Anvil, but I gave up hope as they were always sold out. Now I see these new sculpts, which are excellent, but they're all metal... which is kinda a dealbreaker for me as the metal is incredibly hard to work or modify for kit bashes and if you have metal sensitivities like me it'll give you one hell of a rash. Any chance these will be cast in resin or that the old sculpts will be available?

    1. Really sorry to hear that. It's unlikely i'll do these in metal at the stage, however I do have a small stash of the old resins that Anvil made under licence - would you be interested in purchasing those? I go with metal because of the fantasy stuff, weapons and spears are way more durable in metal, and they're not all heroic scale, they're small, so less weight and bulk.
