
Monday, 15 August 2016

Speed paint tutorial - Fallen Dwarves

I had such fun doing yesterdays speed paint tutorial that I decided to do another today!

I'm gearing up to paint 24 Dwarves (the wave 2 release) so thought I'd do a basic spearmen to get back into the swing of the technique.

Now, my chosen technique is not the fastest, I still managed this miniature in just over an hour, BUT a drybrush instead of a my fine line approach on the armour might be a better idea.

1. Prep

Anvil Industry casts rarely need flash removed. Give them a little clean with soapy water, glue the shield in place and use PVA to stick some sand to the base.

2. Undercoat

Black spray is the best undercoat for metallic paints... which comes next.

3. Colour Blocking

  • Get a big brush and cover the mini with Warplock Bronze
  • Use Leadbelcher for the spear tip
  • For the base use Zamesi Desert

4. Wash

Wash everything with Agrax Earthshade, even the base!

5. Colour block

  • Paint the shield and all cloth Mechrite Red
  • Chaos Black for the beard and the spear shaft


Nuln Oil on all the red areas please!

7. Colour Development

Here's where it pops...
  • Highlight the armour edges with Mithril Silver.
  • Use Evil Sun Scarlet as a highlight for the red cloth and shield. I applied it on the shield like a glaze, don't go near the recesses.
  • Drybrush the beard with Adeptus Battlegrey

9. Base

Drybush the base with Zamesi Desert (the original colour block)

9.1 Base development

  • Drybrush the base with Ushabti Bone
  • Drybrush  Dhened Stone on the ...stone, or rocks, whatever you've stuck on the base. It just adds a bit of variety to the base colour.

10. Finish

Use Rhinox Hide for the side of the base.

One more dwarf ready for the Phalanx!

I designed and sculpted this range, pick them up here


  1. Nice tutorial, I use the dry brush technique on my and I can get through them at a fair pace.

    1. I like your versions, goes very well with the LOTR evil look!
