
Monday, 29 August 2016

Fireteam leaders - Orbital Fusiliers, Anvil Industry

Today I finished off another fireteam!

I decided to use a simple orange knee pad and vertical stripe on the helmet to denote the fireteam leaders.

Anvil just released the heavy weapons for this range, looks like I'll be picking up some of these soon to expand this little force. I'm also about to start planning a close combat style squad, ballistic shields at the ready!

Thursday, 25 August 2016

I started another blog for Warhammer...

I have another blog and recently rebooted it, it's for my small collection of Games Workshops Warhammer 40,000 stuff.

Rogue Trader and all my Warhammer 40k second edition books are some of my most prized possessions. I went off the plastic miniatures a bit as I matured and became a sculptor, but now I'm slowly dipping my toe back into it.

Aside from being annoyed about having to file and clean up lots of plastic parts, I love the design and imagery of it all. 

Here's my blog banner, please check it out if you want to see my hand on some Games Workshop stuff!

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Orbital Fusilier fire team - Anvil Industry

My first 6 mini's finished.

I have another 6 to do (including squad leaders) before I put in an order for some special weapons, heavy weapons and character parts.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Speed paint tutorial - Fallen Dwarves

I had such fun doing yesterdays speed paint tutorial that I decided to do another today!

I'm gearing up to paint 24 Dwarves (the wave 2 release) so thought I'd do a basic spearmen to get back into the swing of the technique.

Now, my chosen technique is not the fastest, I still managed this miniature in just over an hour, BUT a drybrush instead of a my fine line approach on the armour might be a better idea.

1. Prep

Anvil Industry casts rarely need flash removed. Give them a little clean with soapy water, glue the shield in place and use PVA to stick some sand to the base.

2. Undercoat

Black spray is the best undercoat for metallic paints... which comes next.

3. Colour Blocking

  • Get a big brush and cover the mini with Warplock Bronze
  • Use Leadbelcher for the spear tip
  • For the base use Zamesi Desert

4. Wash

Wash everything with Agrax Earthshade, even the base!

5. Colour block

  • Paint the shield and all cloth Mechrite Red
  • Chaos Black for the beard and the spear shaft


Nuln Oil on all the red areas please!

7. Colour Development

Here's where it pops...
  • Highlight the armour edges with Mithril Silver.
  • Use Evil Sun Scarlet as a highlight for the red cloth and shield. I applied it on the shield like a glaze, don't go near the recesses.
  • Drybrush the beard with Adeptus Battlegrey

9. Base

Drybush the base with Zamesi Desert (the original colour block)

9.1 Base development

  • Drybrush the base with Ushabti Bone
  • Drybrush  Dhened Stone on the ...stone, or rocks, whatever you've stuck on the base. It just adds a bit of variety to the base colour.

10. Finish

Use Rhinox Hide for the side of the base.

One more dwarf ready for the Phalanx!

I designed and sculpted this range, pick them up here

Sunday, 14 August 2016

Speed paint tutorial - Martian Orbital Fusilier from Anvil Industry

In my last post I mentioned I loved these miniatures. You'd think I'd spend a huge amount of time and effort on their paint jobs right? Not so. I want to paint lots of these FAST!

I present here the quick method for a dirty and battered paint job that takes just over an hour to complete. When I do the rest in batch painting that time per mini will be reduced; most of it was spent waiting for washes to dry!

1. Undercoat

White spray all the way. Make sure you've modeled and textured your bases before undercoating.

2. Colour Blocking

Simple as pie, leave the white until last - this is to touch up all the mistakes you've made, there will be plenty, were speed painting!

All colours are Citadel:

  • Weapons and pipes: Skavenblight dinge
  • Fatigues: Baneblade Brown
  • Gun sight: Mechrite Red
  • Backpack: Leadbelcher
  • Pouches: Skrag Brown
  • Touch ups: White Scare (DO THIS LAST!)

3. Wash

Nuln Oil all over the mini!

4. Colour Development

Go back to your base colours from stage 2 Colour Blocking and now use them as highlights. Keep it simple and loose, mud and damage will come later.

Paint the base Steel Legion Drab.

The visor is just Chaos Black.

5. The Devlen Mud stage

Get the trusty Devlan Mud out and wash:

  • the base
  • the metal on the backpack
  • the leather pouches

(I almost forgot, highlight the gun barrel with Leadbelcher and the gun with Mechanicus Standard Grey)

6. Battle damage

Paint some chips and scuffs on the edges and corners of the white armour. Some streaks and scuffs on larger flat faces of the armour is also all right. I over did this here so will tone it down on all other mini's, make the damage super thin and small!!

  • First use Skavenblight Dinge
  • In the middle of that paint a thin sliver of Leadbelcher
  • On the outside of the Skavenblight Dinge paint a small highlight in white - this adds depth to the damage and suggests the paint is flaking off.

7.1. Mud 

Drybrush the base with Steel Legion Drab. Make sure you get some on the boots and legs... I also dabbed some all over the mini in random places. Make sure this is super subtle, even less than a normal drybrush. 

7.2 Mud development

Drybrush the base with Baneblade brown, get the boots and legs and other parts of the mini too. Same routine as 7.1 except even less paint, make it more subtle.

7.3 Mud finale

Get some Terminus Stone (or Bleached Bone) and do a final sparse drybrush picking out features on the base.

Finish the side of the base, I chose Chaos Black but Baneblade Brown or Dryad Bark would have also worked.

There you go, less than an hour and decent tabletop gaming quality! The detail on these things means they almost paint themselves.

Great minis Anvil!

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Martian Orbital Fusiliers - resins from Anvil Industry

These are so good they hurt. I'm never buying a plastic sci-fi miniature again... in fact I might never give any other manufacturer a look in. The latest offerings from Anvil Industry must be the best out there in the industry. I don't say that lightly.

The regiments range have hit the sweet spot most people want - heroic style toned down with super detail.

Pictures here should speak from themselves, I can't rave about these enough.

Pick some up here:

Please, support my chums at Anvil Industry, they deserve it.

I must paint these soon...