
Friday, 1 April 2016

More Fallen Dwarves...

The success of the spearman (speardwarf) has spurred me on to finish up a few more.

These are all still WIP:

  • 2 additional spearmen (so 3 in total, I anticipate Anvil will do them in a sprue of 4- 2 front rank and 2 second rank. Despite this second rank mini being one pose I've found that simple variations in the angle of how the shield is held brings out enough variety.
  • 3 double handed weapon wielding dwarves with cloaks.
  • 1 Elite Dragon Guard with a halberd, still to make a shield for them. These will be the inner guard of the king.
  • 2 Dragon Fire dwarves, I'm in the process of remastering these from a 2 man team to a single mini with the fire tank on his back.
  • 2 Grenadiers, 

Once these are in production I feel like I've pretty much fleshed out the rank and file and will make the more exotic stuff.


  1. They look very good. I've always loved this line of yours.

    1. Thank you. If these do moderately well in terms of sales it will help in getting the rhino shock cavalry, living statue and a few other larger kits into production.

  2. Some very nice miniatures coming up, the Dragon Guard is my favourite with the Grenadiers a close second.

    1. The only think that doesn't seem to look right to me are the two handed weapons. They look like they should be carrying some form of glaive from the poses rather than an axe?

    2. Thanks mate, glad they're finally finished. Maybe saying "two handed weapon" was a bit misleading, they're actually double ended stave or glaive weapons. Pure fantasy of course, ritual style blades. I'm already thinking about conversion possibilities for them, including simply chopping off bits to simplify the weapons.

    3. I know it's probably too soon to know this but is there any sort of release schedule at the moment?

    4. I think were talking weeks, but not until after Salute probably!

    5. I'll make sure I keep some funds aside for them, going to be needing a regiment of the spears and two handers to go with the rest of the army and then quantities of all the others depending on roles.

  3. I've just bought some from Anvil - to play Dragon Rampant. I "need" reinforcements... sooon :D

    1. Nice. Make sure you share a link to images of them please!
