
Monday, 8 February 2016

Karkadann cavalry and not an elephant

Boy I hope there are no veterinarians or people with knowledge on animal anatomy reading...

You might be forgiven for thinking this is a pair rhino's and the big elephant is, well, an elephant. The sculpts are kind of based on rhino's and an elephant... but not really, for two reasons:

1. That would be a little boring for Sci-Fi and Fantasy
2. I'd fail the anatomy if I tried to go for reality!

Now, enough of the science.

Karkadann come right out of Arabian mythology and are pretty much the unicorn equivalent of the middle- east. They're a pure fantasy creature despite the real world root of the myth likely being rhinos!

The creature is therefore based from rhino physiology, lengthened out a little a toned up in some areas for rule of cool. The head is somewhere between a rhino's and a triceratops, hence the beak!

Two poses, still need to sculpt tufts on the tails then they're ready for molding... I'm shooting to have them done in resin. Onward uses are numerous, initially I'll do sci-fi desert insurgent style riders with lots of baggage and stowage, then some fantasy cavalry for my Fallen Dwarves!

(blu-tack holding those legs in place, hence the 1mm gap)

What's this thing then. Yes, it has an elephants head. The body was intended for a generic sci-fi fantasy beast of burden...I've still to sculpt the head for that creature. I think I might get away with this as is though...

Uses for the not elephant: same as the rhino's, I mean Karkadann.

Head, tusks and tail are separate. Tail needs a little tuft of hair then he's pretty much done. Can't wait to load him out with a howda, baggage and gun toting desert freedom fighters!

Finally here's a little fun project, 25mm multipart greatcoats! Done in the heroic style of citadel miniatures. They might look dorky... but they make power armoured superhumans look like power armoured superhumans by comparison. Will be done in metal most likely, separate legs, torso's, heads and pouches. 4 or 5 styles of heads, a few blank torso's for conversions and such. Mold layout permitting I'll do a heavy weapon rig.

This is a one shot personal mold, if there's interest once they're cast up in the spring I might sell a few to make the cost of the mold back.
(I say one shot because I'm planning to get goodies and baddies made from this, baddies red, goodies blue. A lot of the leadership and specialists will be sculpts and scratch builds on the basic torso's)

Thanks for reading, good to be sculpting again!


  1. Looking forward to the Karkawhatsits, they'll certainly make a different type of mount.

  2. Looks awesome, but I think that an animal of that size is likely to have a much deeper body vertically. Take a look at a real elephant, bison or water buffalo for example.

    1. You are correct of course! I've taken some artistic licence to make them a bit more dynamic.

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