
Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Paint jobs - Fallen Dwarves

These guys don't seem to have done very well (in terms of sales at Anvil) but I do hope I can continue to expand the range. I probably will even if it's only for personal use!


  1. I really like these, but cannot find how to buy them! Or how much they cost. Perhaps a visible link to the seller site here on your blog would increase interest?

  2. Anvil Industry:

  3. I am thinking about to buy a bunch of it but a size comparsion with some other more common dwarfs (maybe even fw ch-dwarfs) would be very helpfull in my decicion making. and how big are the bases on which they stand?

  4. Those are standard infantry 20mm bases.

    I don't own any FW or GW minis for comparison shots, they are roughly the same height as GW WH dwarves but slimmer and small proportioned. They scale up with GW LOTR stuff.
