
Tuesday, 10 July 2012

House Crowmantia - first look

Oppressed and taxed to the extreme by the Tzar, House Crowmantia's city state is a smog shrouded environment of industry and labour where the population is forced to wear heavy duty overalls and hoods as a means of protection. In this nightmare of subjugation Occult forces have flourished and empowered a generation of freedom fighters with new found sense of identity, and their lust for civil war has become fuelled by sinister dark forces.

Below are the first 3 of 6 Crowmantian troopers wearing ceremonial armour.


  1. So where can I buy these and for how much? :)

  2. TBC. Anvil Industries will be running with these, I'll post sale details when I get them.

  3. Please tell me these are next after the Borderers? :)

  4. Correct. Almost done, finishing touches to them this weekend then off to Anvil next week.
