
Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Wraith Hoplites

Can't recall if I ever posted these...


Monday, 15 August 2022

Atheros Strategos

Had this guy for a while, unpainted and unreleased. 

He'll be part of a bundle deal going up at Edinburgh Miniature Company soon.

Sunday, 14 August 2022

Frostgrave Witch

 Stereotypical witch, reminds me of Grotbags... for those of us who grew up with 80s UK children's tv.

Space Platform Security

 These are conversions based on the Tox Trooper scouts. There's a paint tutorial for them in the works.

Mantic Ogre Paintjob

Had this set for a while and it's finally made it to the top of the painting queue.

This will go nicely with my Arabian fantasy collection.

Saturday, 13 August 2022

Haradrim/Arabian Cultists

These conversions were proof of concepts for my own fantasy Arabian style range. 

They're plastic historical's from Gripping Beast, with a fair amount of sculpting.

Wheel of Time minis

Finally got round to painting these conversions...