
Friday, 31 December 2021

First 3D sculpts and prints

 There's definitely a learning curve to this...

It involves sculpting something, printing it, going back to the sculpt and making tweaks, printing it... then going back to make more tweaks before printing again. And so on again...

These are very quick and messy sculpts just for practice. As we all know- it's not as simple as scaling a sculpt up or down, the entire style of the thing needs change - take the spears here as a prime example.

I'm a convert to digital now so 2022 should be extremely productive.

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

The Wheel weaves...

I was never a fan of the Wheel of Time books (I think I only got to book 4...) and even less of a fan of the new Amazon series.

That said, these conversions are based on a couple of the main characters. Mostly Frostgrave plastics from Northstar, with the guy on the left using Fireforge Mongol legs and torso. Most of the arms needed sculpting, along with a lot of details and touch ups.

Ice Dragon painting WIP

All the base colours are blocked in and a few washes are going on. This will take a while to paint... and the base will take even longer (few more snow layers and textures still to go).