
Thursday, 31 December 2020

Steelheart's Champions, Stormsire's Cursebreakers - paint jobs and thoughts on Games Workshop style

I painted these a while ago. I've always liked the design of the Stormcast Eternals, but I can't call these miniatures anymore... they're too big! It's telling that Games Workshop haven't used the term 'scale miniatures' in a long time (20+ years).

I've stopped buying Games Workshop minis. Their starter sets are fantastic value for money but I always end up with a ton of minis that will sit in a box until I can be bothered to put them up on ebay.

There's also a bit of confusion between detail and complexity. These are not detailed kits. The level of detail on them is the kind suitable for 15mm scale. They are however complex. They're model kits like airfix these days, the extra parts affords the complexity and helps them avoid the flatness of pose associated with the mould making process.

I'll never have an 'army' of this stuff, waaaay to big in size. But they are perhaps suitable for small scale skirmish and perhaps RPG style games.

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Reaper Bones Naga, Xiloxoch

 Another speed paint on a Reaper Bones Naga mini. 

I'm learning that reshaping the mini under boiling water doesn't last very long... eventually it goes back to its original shape (despite holding it in the correct shape under cold water for it to 'set').

Any misshapen stuff in future I'll endeavour to cut, pin glue and sculpt over any gaps.

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Lord of the Rings... Rangers of Shadow Deep

These are to bridge my LOTR collection with the Rangers of Shadowdeep rules.

Work in progress shots are on the LOTR page at the top bar of this blog.

Reaper Bones Frost Giant

 Great addition to my Frostgrave collection...

Monday, 28 December 2020

Christmas gifts


Very lucky this year, books and miniatures - my favourite things.

Dungeons and Dragons 'Adventure Begins' is a great easy intro game for playing with people who have no idea what tabletop gaming or roleplaying is all about. It's aimed at kids (10+) but it's definitely a must have for anyone who wants to increase their circle and bring in fresh blood to the scene.

Reaper Bones miniatures are a bit of a revelation for me, extremely cheap and excellent quality! Painting them is a proving a treat already, expect pics soon.

First up will be a Frost Troll, and bits and pieces for Frostgrave second edition.