
Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Tox Troopers - heroic scale WIP

I had so much fun making the test miniature I decided to make 4 more. Still lots of detail and touch ups to be done. These might make good conversion fodder some day...

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Heroic style desert guys

These are proof of concept miniatures, the bodies are test casts of my sculpts coupled with some warhammer heads and arms.

They look OK... I need to try other configurations and colour schemes.

Monday, 11 March 2019

Tox Troopers remastered

After a long hobby drought I got a sculpting itch, so jumped in on a whim a remastered my tox trooper sculpts. I have no idea if these are still on sale or in stock at anvil industry at the present time.

In terms of remastering it was more than touch ups here and there... I completely chopped off all the feet and re-sculpted them (I never used to be good at feet) and added some more bulk to the lower long coats.

When I originally made them it wasn't to proxy into an existing game system, the style of my sculpts was very slim and tall, unlike most of the popular ranges out in the market. I've picked up some Games Workshop stuff recently and think I'll use them as heresy era traitor guard at some point.

If I can finish up a heavy weapon trooper and some command/characters I might have them cast up.

They are still quite slight and make the old space marines look suitably superhuman. Compared to the newer Primaris space marines though they will be completely tiny... so I did a mock up of a heroic style trooper...